A new generation of spinning wheels and weaving looms

Designed by Jan Louët and his daughter Loes

Full website coming soon

About Jan & Loes

My father Jan Louët and I started the company Lojan in early 2023. Jan just keeps coming up with new innovative ideas for spinning wheels and looms. With over 50 years of experience it’s a deep rooted passion.

Our design process starts with Jan’s pencil drawings. But quickly we are tinkering at the computer using 3D software. That’s how we make improvements and design clever features.

We want to make quality spinning wheels and weaving looms accessible for everyone. Sustainability is also a priority since we would like to leave our world a better place for our (grand)children.

I can’t wait to meet you!

Loes van Aken

The first prototypes are almost ready.

Make sure not to miss it!

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Lojan BV

Spitsstraat 29
8102 HW Raalte
The Netherlands


phone  +31 85 130 81 58

e-mail  info@lojan.nl